About International Class

International Class FEB UNAS

Prof. Kumba Digdowiseiso, S.E., M.App.Ec., Ph.D.





The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of the National University (UNAS) in Jakarta offers a variety of internationalization programs to reach the status of a World-Class Faculty. Internationalization at Home (IaH) is one of the designed programs that attempts to incorporate the international community’s intercultural features into both the formal and informal curriculum frameworks of faculties, with the goal of having a significant impact on the university’s community activities. The IaH program is vital to achieving UNAS’s mission and should accelerate its planning, development, execution, and partnership expansion.

In general, we divide IaH into three stages: (1). The first stage is the establishment of international courses in which education and instruction are conducted in two languages, namely English and Indonesian; (2). The second stage is an international class that is only partially taught in English. The educational and teaching processes are conducted entirely in English. On the one side, credit transfers are available to international students at FEB UNAS. On the other side, students at FEB UNAS can enroll in courses offered by partner institutions abroad; and (3). The third stage is a fully international class comprised of international students pursuing degrees (i.e., single, joint, and double degrees) at FEB UNAS.

In principle, the International Class is a unique program designed with the delivery of teaching materials using bilingual (Indonesian and English) teaching materials. Prospective students are not required to be proficient in English because they will receive special assistance during the study period. However, the implementation of all academic activities is provided using English as the primary language. In this stage, we also added supporting activities in the form of a matriculation program and a character development program that aims to enhance students’ non-technical skills (i.e., soft skills) so that they can compete in the global world.

Live your academic life! This is your home!

Prof. Kumba Digdowiseiso, S.E., M.App.Ec., Ph.D.